
Whole Foundation Co. is a 501c3 non-profit striving to bring positive light upon the world of infertility and to create a community among those who are affected by the diagnoses of infertility. We want to bring more awareness and education about the causes and factors of infertility and the mental impact infertility has on one's self . We want to help financially support the research on infertility. We also want to bless those who are trying to start a family with the diagnoses of infertility by financially granting a portion of the cost.
Who We Are
We serve those who have gone through the unfortunate diagnoses of infertility. We want to change the narrative of the world of infertility through financial grants, connection and community, education and awareness.
Who Do We Serve
Our Goals
We want to donate our proceeds to infertility based research centers to help the future of infertility. We also want to grant couples who are trying to grow their family with the diagnoses of infertility in the now. There are so many other ways we want to use our donations to create an awareness and community towards to topic of infertility.
Through everything we do whether it is with our products in our store that we sell, our educational blog, the fundraising events we host, the podcast we sponsor and so much more, we simple want to bring awareness to those who are unaware about the light of infertility.
Raise Awareness
Access To Help
We want to create a way for couples or individuals to have access to help with a licensed psychologist to bring aid wherever you are in your infertility journey.
Our goal is to create a community where couples going through infertility and individuals with the diagnoses of infertility have the safe space to feel welcomed, understood, and create connection with those who are in similar situations. To feel whole.
We are creating a program called Coffee & Conversation where you can sign up to host a Coffee & Conversation event. They are meant to create a safe space for couples and individuals to find connection and allow exposure to Whole Foundation Co. and what we do. It is also a form of fundraising so we have the chance to bless couples financially. It is also meant to create a way to spread education and awareness within the world of infertility.